Thursday, May 31, 2007

5 month mark

It's really easy to take our own health for granted. The saying "you don't know what you have until it's gone", has been very apparent to me the last few months.

I have very little fatigue, and maybe a little brain glich at times (at least now I have an excuse to be spacey), and if I over do, that means bed time a little earlier than normal.

I'm feeling great, and back at the gym. It feels so good to be up on my feet and enjoying the outdoors. I love summertime!

Wow, it feels good to feel good!

Hope all is well & your enjoying spring!



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy Easter


Long time no blog!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Still moving right along with my recovery. It's been almost 3 months, since the surgery. Things are going well. I'm getting back to my regular routine pretty much. Still fighting fatigue in the morning and this last week has been a little rough. I'm having a little pain behind my eye, and I have a little swelling towards my cheek bone. The Dr. says it's from the muscle they had to cut, up towards my right temple. It's just a little irritated during healing. It made it hard to open my mouth fully, but it's slowly getting easier (sushi is a challenge) lol

It's hard to believe I had brain surgery, 3 months have gone by so fast. I'm so glad I had the surgery back in January during the really cold months. I've been looking forward to spring time because I'd be mostly healed, and be able to spend alot of time outside in the yard, and going on walks with my grandbaby Bridgette.

I'm heading off to Dallas, Texas this weekend, for a Treat'Em Right Seminar (for Send Out Cards). This is my first time on an airplane since the surgery, I'm really looking forward to it. Can't wait to spend time with my Super Dave and our good friends Kody & Jodi! I guess this will be the test, whether or not I set off the metal detectors at the airport. ha ha

Oh yeah, my sister Lynda had her MRI, and the results were free & clear of any aneurysm. I'm was so relieved for her, we didn't want to go through that again!

Hope everyone has had a wonderful Easter, and your enjoying the spring time weather.

I'll be blogging again soon!

Keep Smilin,


Friday, February 16, 2007

Recent Doctor's visit, went great!

Comb Over, Before & After

I went to the doctor on Thursday the 15th.

At first I saw Dr. Richs assisstant Dr. Kotter. He said he can't believe how well I'm doing, after just 4 weeks! After talking to him for awhile, he said he had to go get Dr. Rich, because he would want to see how well I'm doing. Needless to say, Dr. Rich had a big smile on his face and was thrilled with my progress!

Althoug I'm feeling pretty good, the doctor feels strongly that at least 3 months is needed to totally feel back to my normal self, and normal energy. He said I could start light housework, nothing heavy, and also to start walking for short periods of time on a treadmill. He also said to make sure I realize my boundries because when I feel good, it could be deceiving and I could overdue and set my self back.

As far as how I'm feeling. My good days are lasting a little longer with fewer naps. I can usually feel exhaustion coming on pretty fast, which brings on a small headache and I feel heaviness in my eyes and head and all my energy just disappears. I guess that is what the doctor means should disappear in 3 months. I can't drive as of yet, because I can still have dizzy spells and my reaction time is kinda slow still. But not to worry, all of this is normal and I feel great! As for my hair, I have a great comb over and I had a few more bangs cut to help cover the shaved part of my head. I really can't believe I had brain surgery 4 weeks ago, and neither can the doctors!

Both doctors said, not only is it due to my positive attitude and will to be healthy, it's also due to everyone who has shown a positive attitude, love, help and sent prayers my way, so that I could rest and heal. The fact that I haven't had to stress about housework, meals, work, or anything for that matter, has allowed me to heal faster than expected.

I know I keep saying this, but I can't tell you thank you enough for each personal touch that everyone has contributed to my health & wellness!

Sending you all lots of LOVE this Valentines week!!!!

Chao for now,


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Goin on 4 weeks this friday the 9th

Sorry I haven't posted for a while.

I have spent most of the last 3 weeks doing the same thing, sleeping, watching tv, sittin around, and eating. Gettin a little cabin fever! (or maybe that should be GYM fever) lol. I cant wait to get back to the gym, I don't know about housework, but the gym sounds nice!

During the last three weeks I have received many wonderful dinners prepared for my family. I want everyone to know how much I appreciate these dinners! I also have had alot of help with my housework. I guess it's not help because I haven't had to lift a finger! I haven't even seen the inside of my laundry room for almost 4 weeks, no vacuuming, no dishes, absolutely nothing! WOW is all I can say! No, I'm not bragging, although it has been kinda nice. lol

There are really no words to say how much I appreciate everything & everybody! You all have made it possible for me to heal so fast and so well!

As far as my healing, things are going great. I'm able to spend more time up and just starting to do a little here and there. I do still have to lay down for a few hours everyday and I did come down with the flu bug that slowed me down for a few days again, but it should clear up pretty soon.

I have a doctors appointment on Feb 15th, I will be sure to update what he says then.

Another thing thats interesting is, my twin sister is going in for an MRI, to make sure that she doesn't have an anuerysm to. We are identical, and the surgeon says these things are genetic and suggested that she get checked as well. She went in today Feb 7th at 12:30, hopefully we will have good news soon that she doesn't have one. I will keep you updated on that as well.

I hope all is well with everyone, and wanted to let everyone know how much I appreciate the help, and everyone to!

Life is wonderful! Talk to you soon!

Love Lori

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Week Already?

It's been a week already!

Wow how time flies when your having fun, or has this been just a dream?

I'm doing great! I found out I need to try to stay down a little better, but I'm so anxious to be back to myself. I find if I stay awake to long, I will suffer for that the next day. So I'm really trying to take it easy and rest alot, so I can get back to myself as fast as I can.

I'm still enjoying all the cards and well wishes that I have received, and continue to receive. Some make me laugh some bring happy tears, but all have a special healing affect and I am truely appreciative of your love and concern.

I was kinda sad, when I realized that the Dr's and Nurses at the hospital had absolutely no cards or thank you's for long hours spent during day and night taking care of people, and doing a fantastic job at it. Dave took a picture of the empty board, which he posted before this posting. He also mentioned the names of those who spent long hours taking care of my needs as well. I can't tell you how many times they said they were short staffed and many were working really long and double shifts. I know we can fix that, and fill the board up to rejuvenate and show appreciation for a job well done, not only for myself but for all that will pass there way!

Love to you all, hope to see you all soon.


P.S. the hair is now stubble! lol it still has a ways to go, but if that's the worst of it, how can I complain!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Going Home!!! Already??? OK!!!!!!

Lori Said OK!
I'm not sure I like this...

Well, OK, we have had absolutely no complacations, and I feel possitive this will continue... So I guess We are going home! The Doc had us prepared to spend a week here and he also had us prepared for the normal complications and recovery, but as I keep finding out SHE is far from Normal!!! I guess she would have to be to put up with Super Dave...

Wow what a great feeling! She woke up from surgery and knew who I was, and she still loves me!

Notice the picture above it says:
Thank You cards for the employees of West 6. It's empty!!! Can we fix that? I think so...

We have a few names you can add to TY cards if you want to send some:

Mike, Wayne, Erin, Alene, Whitney, Keri, Chris, Katie.

Lds Hospital
West 6 Employee's
8th Ave and C Street
S.L.C. Ut. 84143

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Road to Recovery

The doctor came in this morning and said that he was amazed at how well my surgery and recovery has gone. He said with all the things that usually go wrong with this type of surgery I had absolutely no complications at all. He was speechless. The bandage is off of my head, and I would prefer to keep the next few pictures off my blog!!